Hi, I’m Annie and Raw Mindfulness is about sharing the work I love − helping people transform and heal for their personal and the collective good.
I am dedicated to understanding the world as it is and responding with compassion and wisdom. With the hectic pace of modern life, we take more in today than we ever have, so it’s easy to get overwhelmed with stress and anxiety. I’ve struggled with this over the years, too and I’ve learned how to bring more calm and ease into my life. Some of my practices are shared here on this site.
You’ll see that I post narratives to inspire others through blogging, social, and newsletters, offering insight on ways to look at the world’s issues consciously and mindfully. Creating relationships and community is critical for exercising self-care, so there’s a focus on building relationships along with more traditional mindfulness practice.. Please explore my site. I hope you will find inspiration and guidance in the readings and in connecting with others, so you can find ways to compost your stress into joy and ease.