Here are some of the mindfulness related programs that I have chosen to be involved in that bring mindfulness practice into the world.

If you are interested in contributing time or material resources to any of these programs, please contact them directly:

Pink House Foundation – A small family-run foundation giving to projects that support the reduction of suffering in the world, with special emphasis on projects using mindfulness.

Circle Yoga Cooperative – The largest, and one of the only, yoga studios in the country owned and operated by the teachers and staff, teaching yoga and mindfulness classes and workshops, and based in Washington DC.

Still Water Mindfulness Practice Center – A mindfulness practice center, founded by Zen teacher Mitchell Ratner, with branches throughout Maryland providing sitting meditation groups, retreats and days of mindfulness, open to all with donation-based and sliding scale fees.

MINDS Incorporated – A creative leading-edge non-profit bringing mindfulness practice to public schools in the Washington DC area.

DC Community Yoga and DC Yoga Week – A community organization created in 2005 to bring together yoga studios and practitioners throughout the Washington DC area and to provide a huge community yoga and meditation event on the National Mall every spring.

Washington Peace Center and it’s Center for Teaching Peace run by Colman McCarthy – The Washington Peace center has been leading the way in calling for peace and justice for more than fifty years. The Center for Teaching Peace provides classes for high school and college students as well as publications by Colman McCarthy about how to teach peace in the classroom.

Thich Nhat Hanh Foundation and Plum Village Practice Center, and US centers Blue Cliff Monasteryand Deer Park Monastery) – The Thich Nhat Hanh Foundation supports the teaching and communities who practice mindfulness in the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh. The specific practice centers around the world give retreats, days of mindfulness, and trainings, as well as offering a home for hundreds of monastics practicing in this tradition.

Healthy Living, Inc. A non-profit educating people of all backgrounds how to plan and prepare simple healthy meals and bringing awareness to the cultivation, history and nutritional value of our food facilitating more mindful cooking and eating.

Washington Buddhist Peace Fellowship (WBPF) a chapter of the Buddhist Peace Fellowship (BPF) – The Buddhist Peace Fellowship, founded in 1978, provides training, community, and information to encourage Buddhists and mindfulness practitioners to engage in positive change and social justice work.

Naturally Cool – Naturally Cool is a small group of individuals, including the author of Losing Our Cool, Stan Cox, working to bring awareness to the negative impact of excessive air-conditioning on the environment and humans.