ONLINE MONDAYS 4-5PM Eastern • Sep 11, Sep 18, Oct 2, Oct 9
In this four-part workshop series, we will learn techniques for mindfully speaking and listening that will allow us more ease in everyday conversations and improve our ability to communicate with ourselves and other people. Our practice will be founded on self-understanding and self-compassion, mindfulness, Focusing, and Nonviolent Communication (NVC).
Each week we will center with a guided meditation, read/discuss one aspect of mindful speaking and listening, have a practice session with another person in the class and time for reflection with the group. Limited to 20, no experience in anything required. This is a virtual series.
Online Mondays 4-5PM Eastern • Sep 11, Sep 18, Oct 2, Oct 9
$100.00 Being Heard 2023 - Standard Rate
$80.00 Being Heard 2023 - Reduced Rate
$120.00 Being Heard 2023 - Pay It Forward Rate
about ANNIE
Plum Village Dharma Teacher, MA, MS, E-RYT 200, C-RYT
Annie (she/they) is a mindfulness author and teacher, ordained Dharma Teacher in the Plum Village tradition, and founder of dharma oriented organizations, including the Circle Yoga Cooperative in Washington, DC, the Opening Heart Mindfulness Community (OHMC), the Making Visible social justice webinar series, and the Pink House Foundation (social justice philanthropy). She offers mindfulness blogs, practice guidance, and other resources at, and has published two books: Words to be With (February, 2010), and Things I Did When I was Hangry (Parallax Press, September 2015), as well as articles for online magazines.
Annie holds additional certifications in yoga, Inner Relationship Focusing Certified Professional, and massage therapy, and has studied Nonviolent Communication (NVC), trauma informed therapy, dharma-based anti-racism, and much more, and offers guided meditation practices on YouTube and Insight Timer. She is a two time cancer survivor and aims to celebrate the everyday wonders of life with her beloved family, friends, and terriers, guided by the dharma and her mindfulness practice.
Read more about Annie here.
Fees are on a sliding scale, and no one will be turned away for financial reasons. Maximum of 20 attendees.
$15.00 per session - standard rate
$5.00 per session - reduced rate
$25.00 per session - pay it forward rate
Proceeds are split between Opening Heart Mindfulness Community and Circle Yoga.
In an effort to reduce financial barriers, we are offering Sliding Scale Pricing on select Circle Yoga programs. The Reduced Rate is for those facing financial hardship, the Standard Rate is our usual fee that covers costs including teacher pay, and the Pay It Forward Rate helps cover fellow students who need to pay less. If you need to pay less than the Reduced Rate, partial scholarships are also available.