Hi I’m Annie – and this is the place to find inspiration and guidance for living more mindfully: making space for our happiness so we can feel grounded and balanced.

We’re expected to juggle more today than we ever have. We lead super busy lives working to be successful in our careers, our family, our relationships – and we’re expected to keep it together even with the distractions of social media, emails, texting … plus we’re faced with the daily reminders in the news of the world we live in: our divisive political climate, too many instances of racism, an inhumane immigration policy, wars happening across the globe…. No wonder we get stressed out and feel unbalanced. There are too many things competing for our time. So how do we make time for ourselves?

Over my lifetime, as I’ve tried to cope, I’ve taken refuge in food, alcohol, marijuana, boyfriends, my dogs, just to name a few. So many people take the same route - but none of them bring true healing – and they never do.

So I designed this site to offer some tools for healing that have made a difference for me.  These tools can help us transform our suffering into facing our day with ease and calm, which creates more space for our own happiness.

You can check out my blog that cover a wide range of topics – from insight on approaching the injustices in our world with mindfulness – to managing our own personal relationships. My coaching page will show you how we can work together. My community page will show you ways to get connected with others, which is a huge part of connecting with ourselves. And you’ll find my biggest passions right now on my Get Involved page – where I’ve created organizations that bring awareness to what’s happening in the world, and this awakening helps us strengthen our own spirituality and personal growth.

So I invite you to take a look around and get inspired. May you find the resources you need for well being and happiness – that serves you today and in our days ahead. With much love.