This workshop will be held on Mondays from 4-5PM EST.
What you'll learn:
You will learn about and deepen your understanding of mindfulness, and how to use mindfulness to settle in more deeply to your practice. When you settle deeply, you experience more rest for the nervous system and gain needed insights into yourself and the world. This leads to acting more in alignment with your deepest values of caring for yourself and others.
Who it's for:
This workshop is for all levels of practitioners. No experience of any kind is needed. It can support you if you're dealing with nervousness, anxiety, stress - even if you have trouble understanding why you're experiencing these feelings. People of all intersecting identities are welcome to the class, including but not limited to gender identity, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic class, religious or spiritual beliefs, political affiliation, age, size, abilities, and immigration status.
Why 8 weeks:
By practicing in a community of care for 1 hour per week, you will already notice a difference in your daily life. These practices will allow you to find more clarity and ease in facing daily challenges of life.
What it includes:
Guided meditations, mindfulness topics and teachings, and group sharing. Annie’s class crates an environment where all are held with compassion and equanimity.
$160 ($140 with Circle Yoga Membership. Click below for more info.)
What people say about Annie's work:
I always have an ah-ha moment of clarity when in (Annie’s) classes- where she creates a sacred space for those new and those experienced in mindfulness to come together to explore what it means to be aware, awake, and fully alive.