Tuesday 12/31/2024 10:30 am - 12:00 pm EST
Join me for a New Year’s Eve mindfulness workshop where we will reflect on where we have been and where we are going. We will develop clarity on our deepest intentions for ourselves and our lives and how we wish to show up in the world as we move into a fresh new year. There will be some silence, some talking, some sharing, and some journaling.
No experience is necessary.
Online and in person (hybrid)
$35 Standard rate
$30 Circle Yoga member fee
about ANNIE
Plum Village Dharma Teacher, MA, MS, E-RYT 200, C-RYT
Annie (she/they) is a mindfulness author and teacher, ordained Dharma Teacher in the Plum Village tradition, and founder of dharma oriented organizations, including the Circle Yoga Cooperative in Washington, DC, the Opening Heart Mindfulness Community (OHMC), the Making Visible social justice webinar series, and the Pink House Foundation (social justice philanthropy). She offers mindfulness blogs, practice guidance, and other resources at anniemahon.com, and has published two books: Words to be With (February, 2010), and Things I Did When I was Hangry (Parallax Press, September 2015), as well as articles for online magazines.
Annie holds additional certifications in yoga, Inner Relationship Focusing Certified Professional, and massage therapy, and has studied Nonviolent Communication (NVC), trauma informed therapy, dharma-based anti-racism, and much more, and offers guided meditation practices on YouTube and Insight Timer. She is a two time cancer survivor and aims to celebrate the everyday wonders of life with her beloved family, friends, and terriers, guided by the dharma and her mindfulness practice.
Read more about Annie here.