Doesn't Play Well with Others

Dear Friends, I apologize for skipping the newsletter for the month of January, I was busy with some family business. So here we are in February already. I hope that you are enjoying your practice at Circle Yoga and/or Budding Yogis, and that you are staying well this winter.

I've been thinking about something that a friend said to me last month. He said that if he were my nursery school teacher, his evaluation of me would be "doesn't play well with others unless she is in charge." When I first heard this, I was shocked and upset. But the more I sat with this, the more I agreed. I think it's actually true for all of us, that we all want to feel like we are "in charge". What I mean by "in charge" is that our contributions are valued and not wasted. That we feel like what we have to offer to others isn't overruled by someone else or by the system.

So I started thinking about how we play at Circle Yoga. Everyone at Circle Yoga is integral to our mission. That includes everyone who works here, everyone who comes to class here, everyone who helps us out with the building maintenance, and everyone who supports us in any way. And I think the reason that we play well with each other is because each of us feels "in charge". Everyone's unique contributions are welcomed with open arms, even if the outcome doesn't turn out the way we had hoped. It's all ok.

We sincerely invite you to share your most beautiful and creative selves with us, so that we can continue to play well together. We will do our very best to allow everyone to be in charge and to take your input seriously. If you have ideas, suggestions, comments, or if you want to get more involved in what we do here please let us know.

In the meantime, I hope to see you at one of our wonderful upcoming workshops and classes. We are overjoyed to have Mary O'Malley coming to do a workshop on the Gift of our Compulsions. She is an amazing author and teacher and will be giving her workshop on uncovering the wisdom underlying our compulsive thoughts and actions on March 14 & 15. I will be there, and I hope to see you there as well.

With much love,
