Dear Friends,
This will be my last email newsletter until I return from my retreat at Plum Village, around Thanksgiving. I will carry you all with me and I promise to write about any insights I may have after I get back.
Today, I wanted to share something that happened to me while I was driving along Connecticut Avenue in DC in some really awful rush hour traffic. I started out my short drive (one that normally takes 15 minutes but ended up taking 35 minutes) listening to this talk by Nonviolent Communication (NVC) teacher Robert Gonzales. It’s a good talk about working with our longing and seeking.
A few minutes into the stop-and-go traffic, I decided that my drive would be easier if I listened to something more soothing to my nervous system, so I put on this Metta chant by Imee Ooi. I immediately felt better and could return to my body and my breathing.
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